Thursday, March 29, 2007

Tips on areas of everyday life

This blog is an interactive blog for tips and answers to queries with fields ranging from home maintenance, food, kids, work, computer etc.

Home maintenance


- Every summer brings an onset of infections and colds, for colds especially; carvol - avbl at medical stores could be used in hot bath water and close the door. The steam is good for the baby/kid.
- For babies, diaper rash is common, for that you could use antacid at the rash area
- Cooling this summer other than being in an a/c room is to give the kids a shower with lavnder body wash (Johnson's, Lander etc.). They tend to sleep rather well at night.


- Using a piece of lemon while using the pressure cooker makes the inside of the cooker sparkle like new
- If a dish ends up being salty, add a small piece of potato to absorb the excess salt
- Fry tomtoes, ginger, garlic and onions, grind and store in the fridge, spoon it in to any veggie gravy,pulav etc to snazz up the taste. saves time for sure!!

Home Maintenance

- This summer, red ants invasion is inevitable, to combat this to a certain extent, put torn red chillis/green chillies on the kitchen counter top
- To keep homes smelling gr8, use a small container, add some water and add a few drops of aroma oil like jasmine, sandal wood etc. It really works
- Using a little vinegar while cleaning your glassware makes it shine
- Clean mirrors and glass using talcum powder and a clean cotton cloth
- Use a little dettol while cleaning floors to keep away ants and other pests during summer months.